Should I attend the home inspection?
It is often helpful to be there so the home inspector can explain in person and answer any questions you may have. This is an excellent way to learn about your new home even if no problems are found. But be sure to give the home inspector time and space to concentrate and focus so he can do the best job possible for you.
What if the report reveals problems?
All homes (even new construction) have problems. Every problem has a solution. Solutions vary from a simple fix of the component to adjusting the purchase price but having a home inspection allows the problem to be addressed before the sale closes.
Your Home Inspector David Scalise is certified by The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) one of the highest ranking home inspection organizations in the world. We have over 25 years of experience in the housing industry both building and inspecting homes. Our home inspections far exceed the general home inspections that most others offer. We offer an easy to read detailed report of all areas of the home.
Home Inspector
FL LIC. # HI8164
Mold Assessor
FL LIC. # MRSA2677
Roof, vents, and trim
Gutters and downspouts
Skylights, chimney, and other roof penetrations
Decks, stoops, porches, walkways, and railings
Eaves, soffit, and fascia
Grading and drainage
Water penetration and foundation movement
Heating system
Cooling system
Main water shut off valves
Water heating system
Why Schedule An Inspection At The End of A 1-Year New Home Warranty? And now your home is 1 Year Old. You know the warranty is about to expire. Maybe you haven't had any problems with your home. The builder assured you that you didn't need an inspection before you bought the home. He assured you that "their inspectors" were thorough and professional. Maybe they are right, maybe they are not.
The fact remains, every home I've performed a 1 year home warranty inspection on has had problems that the builder needed to be called back out on. Sure, some of these things were minor, while others were major problems waiting to pop up years down the road. Many of the costly repairs you hear about homeowners facing today do not just pop up overnight. They seem like it, but it's actually a gradual process that may take years to be noticed, usually when it's too late. Even on the homes that I only found minor problems with, my clients have still been very happy to have had the inspection done because now they know for certain that they have a house that won't surprise them down the road. If your builder assured you that you didn't need an inspection, and you went ahead and bought the home without the benefit of an indepedent inspection, then I'm telling you that it is of the utmost importance to have one performed before your warranty runs out.
4 Point Insurance Inspections include:
Roof inspection
Electrical Inspection
HVAC (Heat, Ventilation & Air Conditioning)
What is Four Point Inspection?
After Hurricane Andrew, Insurance companies in Florida have been trying to encourage home owners to make their homes safer and reduce claims. Many insurance companies and JUA (Joint Underwriting Association) now request 4 point inspections.
What are they looking for in these reports?
As much as we really dont know what any insurance company needs or wants, this is our interpretation through experience only. They are generally looking for most systems in the 4 points to have been updated to current standards and are in good condition.
Who can perform this type of inspection? Can I fill out the paper work myself?
Either a Licensed Roofing Contractor, Electrical Contractor, Building Inspector, or Engineer can perform the inspection and their signature is required to certify homes of a certain age when required by most insurance companies.
I am buying a home. Can I use this as a less expensive Pre-Purchase Inspection?
No. This type of inspection is not intended for use as a pre sale or pre purchase comprehensive inspection. As it is geared for your insurance needs, It will not contain the type of information you may need to make an informed decision for purchase.
What is Indoor Air Quality Testing?
Some health effects can be useful indicators of an indoor air quality problem, especially if they appear after a person moves to a new residence, remodels or refurnishes a home, or treats a home with pesticides. If you think that you have symptoms that may be related to your home environment, discuss them with your doctor or your local health department to see if they could be caused by indoor air pollution. You may also want to consult a board-certified allergist or an occupational medicine specialist for answers to your questions.
Another way to judge whether your home has or could develop indoor air problems is to identify potential sources of indoor air pollution. Although the presence of such sources does not necessarily mean that you have an indoor air quality problem, being aware of the type and number of potential sources is an important step toward assessing the air quality in your home.
A third way to decide whether your home may have poor indoor air quality is to look at your lifestyle and activities. Human activities can be significant sources of indoor air pollution. Finally, look for signs of problems with the ventilation in your home. Signs that can indicate your home may not have enough ventilation include moisture condensation on windows or walls, smelly or stuffy air, dirty central heating and air cooling equipment, and areas where books, shoes, or other items become moldy. To detect odors in your home, step outside for a few minutes, and then upon reentering your home, note whether odors are noticeable.
Why Water Quality Testing?
When you make an offer to purchase a house with a private well, perform a test to analyze water quality. Make your contract contingent on obtaining the desired test results. Use a state-certified laboratory, and if you are allowed to draw water samples yourself, be sure to follow the instructions carefully.
The EPA recommends that you test well water annually for nitrates and coliform bacteria, but the lab may suggest additional tests important for your specific property or region, such as:
Testing for pesticides if the home is built on the site of an old orchard or farm.
Testing for volatile organic chemicals if an oil tank is buried on the property, or if commercial storage tanks are buried nearby.
Testing for lead if the home has lead pipes. Lead tests are important for homes with public water, too, since contamination occurs after the water enters the plumbing.
The results of your water tests might show contaminants that are offensive, but not health risks. The lab can advise you about the differences between that type of contaminant and dangerous contaminants, and their possible sources.
Don't hesitate to ask as many questions as it takes to answer all of your concerns. Some types of contamination may not be correctable, so it's important to understand what's causing the problem before you close on the property.
Inspected Once, Inspected Right!®
InterNACHI's Standards of Practice
InterNACHI's Code of Ethics